Bedex | Wholesale Mattress Store | High Point, North Carolina
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Unbeatable prices

We bring the factory price directly to you! Best prices guaranteed on all Bedex products.

Premium Quality

Premium quality

All Bedex products are manufactured 100% in the USA, giving us the opportunity to control all aspects of production from start to finish to ensure premium quality.

Environmentally friendly

Here at Bedex, we believe in building a better sleep by using environmentally sustainable products and processes.

Offering you the best solution to build a better sleep

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Custom Orders

Our professional mattress makers provide a hands-on approach with every order to ensure your products are exactly what you need.

Would you like a custom mattress?

Just see one of our associates they will be happy to listen to your needs.

Experienced Professionals

With our experience in the industry, we know the importance of providing quality, mattresses to our customers and we stand by our product 100%

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Tel. +1 (336) 885-4646

Fax. +1 (336) 885-4647


210 Swathmore Avenue

High Point NC,  27263


Monday - Thursday:

8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Saturday & Sundays By Appointment


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